Al Gurm

The client on the Al Gurm project wanted to produce a fly-through-style video of their latest luxury development. At River Film, we love to shoot people ourselves before putting them into the correct surroundings. However, sometimes, the project simply doesn’t allow this method due to certain constraints.

In this film, we used live-action footage and intercut it with the computer-generated (CG) environment. The rendering, in this case, is incredibly modernised and offers a varied style when compared with most of our other work.

The biggest challenge we faced on this project was the lack of design information given by the client. Other than parameters in terms of height and size, we had to design the villas from scratch.

Working on a design with little to no knowledge can be a very tricky task, especially for large overseas clients who are building a luxury experience that we need to sell to potential customers through our marketing video.

The Al Gurm project was very well received, and the clients were tremendously happy with the computer-generated design of the villas and accommodation. If you want to learn more about our CG work follow the link below.
